The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) gives individuals the right to access information under the control of government institutions. While the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal health information in particular, protecting the confidentiality of this information.

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph (SJHCG) is committed to being transparent and accountable to our community and stakeholders, which, of course, includes you. Any member of the public has a right to request access to any record within the custody and control of SJHCG. SJHCG will provide appropriate access to our records, although, in some cases, we will not be able to provide access to certain records, or parts of records, as legislation balances a culture of openness and transparency with the need to protect the personal information of individuals.

View the links below for further information around SJHCG’s privacy policy, how to access the information you are looking for, and making a formal Freedom of Information request.

SJHCG’s Privacy Policy


Website Privacy Disclaimer

View how we collect and use cookies and other information from users of our site: Website Privacy Disclaimer


To learn more about privacy at SJHCG, please contact our Privacy Officer at 519-824-6000 ext. 4662.