We want to hear from you

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph (SJHCG) strives to provide the best care to all of our clients. To help us attain this goal, we encourage you to share your experiences and feedback with us, positive and constructive.

What do I do if I experience difficulties while at SJHCG?

Our feedback brochure (PDF, 361 KB) outlines the process you can follow to share your experience with us – compliments or concerns.

If you feel that a concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction through our usual processes, our Patient Relations Representative is available to assist.

What can I expect from Patient Relations?

You can expect to be heard and supported. Where applicable, we can provide you with information around SJHCG policies and processes, as well as what you can expect from our staff and physicians. Patient Relations Representatives are not Client Advocates, in that we do not “take sides”. Our goal is to help people to communicate better with each other – clients, family members, staff, and physicians. We will also ensure your feedback is shared with your healthcare team.

We are not Client Advocates. We do not “take sides”.


A Patient Relations Representative can be contacted as follows:

  • By phone at 519-824-6000 ext. 4380. If necessary, please leave a message and we will return your call within 2 business days.
  • In person by appointment. Please use the number above to arrange for an appointment.
  • By email at feedback@sjhcg.ca or by completing the Feedback Form below. If you haven’t heard back after 2 full business days, please call the extension above.
  • By mail to:

Director: Strategy, Quality & Client Experience
St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph
100 Westmount Road
Guelph, ON N1H 5H8

Please note that, for written complaints in Long Term Care, we will ask if you would like us to send a copy of your complaint to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, as per the Long Term Care Homes Act, 2007.


If you haven’t heard back after 2 full business days, please call the extension above.

You can contact the Ministry of Long-Term Care directly through the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line by phone at: 1-866-434-0144 (toll free)