St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph (SJHCG) offers a number of clinical services to residents of Guelph, Wellington, and the surrounding area through the following outpatient clinics:

Geriatrician Clinic

Aging is a process of change. A geriatrician is a physician trained to care for the special health needs of people over the age of 65, in much the same way that a pediatrician is uniquely qualified to attend to the health needs of children. On a day-to-day basis, our geriatrician addresses issues such as memory loss, incontinence, weight loss, pain, frailty, falls, depression, decreased function, and dementia.

Recognizing how physical health problems can affect seniors’ emotional, mental, and social well-being, geriatricians look at each client’s individual needs within the context of his or her whole life, including lifestyle, community, family, and medical history. This approach provides important insights into the nature of health problems and helps determine the treatments/ remedies most likely to produce the best outcome in each individual case.

A geriatrician plays an important role in helping elderly people develop activities and make lifestyle choices that contribute to a healthful aging process. Our geriatrics team also helps clients and their families to co-ordinate care with other healthcare providers in Guelph, Wellington, and the surrounding area.

Our goal at SJHCG is to optimize the ability of clients to be as independent as possible. Our geriatrician is a key member of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, which includes a specialized geriatric nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and volunteers dedicated to achieving client goals.

Clients are referred to SJHCG for a comprehensive geriatric assessment by a physician.

Amputee Clinic

The SJHCG Amputee Clinic provides amputee care to residents of Guelph and the surrounding area.

The Amputee team includes a physiatrist, prosthetist, and physiotherapist. If needed, a referral can be made to an occupational therapist and nurse practitioner.

A physiatrist is a physician that specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Our team physiatrist provides medical assessment and oversees the team that manages your medical care.

Our prosthetist provides assessment to determine your prosthetic needs, fabricates and fits your prosthesis, and provides follow-up adjustments and maintenance of your prosthesis.

Our physiotherapist facilitates an assessment to determine your rehab needs and provides treatment through outpatient therapy services. The physiotherapist assists you in becoming independent and provides you with education on prosthetic use, walking approach, and strategies in performing daily activities with your prosthesis.

Clinic Secretary
Our Clinic Secretary will provide you with your appointment in the clinic and contact you with follow-up information.

To access this care, you must have a referral from a physician, usually a surgeon or family doctor.

Amputee Care and Rehabilitation Brochure (PDF, 342KB)

Prosthetic Clinic Referral (PDF, 640KB)