As a Catholic organization founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton and inspired by the life and healing mission of Jesus, our Spiritual Care staff support everyone and respect each person’s religious, spiritual and cultural beliefs. Spiritual care and Religious programs are offered for our long term care residents, our post-acute hospital patients, including our palliative care patients and their families.

The Spiritual Care staff are professionally, pastorally, and clinically -educated and certified to offer support to everyone (religious or not); they respect the diverse religious, spiritual and cultural orientation of each person. While they encourage and support everyone’s connections with their own religious/spiritual or cultural communities and the resources within these communities, that might be helpful to our clients and their families, the spiritual care staff also offer supportive, compassionate care to all who do not identify with any particular religious or spiritual beliefs – i.e. meeting every client where they are on their life’s journey; care of the whole person – body, mind, and spirit, is our commitment to all clients, their families and staff.

While supportive, compassionate care is available to all clients, families and staff, particular consideration for those receiving end-of-life palliative care, and their loved ones, is provided through one-to-one bedside support.  Some of these services include:

  • End-of-life preparation support & anticipatory grief support
  • Consultation for funeral pre-planning (pre-arrangement) as needed
  • Grief support for families immediately following the death of a loved one
  • Room blessing service (ritual) following the death of a resident/patient (to support staff, residents/patients on the unit and family)
  • Emotional and spiritual support for resident/patient/family who maybe struggling with change of condition/status or prognosis/diagnosis; death and dying process or significant losses
  • As requested by a client/family, offering prayer or facilitating specific religious/spiritual rituals (e.g. sacrament of the sick for R.C clients; smudging for Native spirituality)
  • Being a liaison between clients and community faith leaders (e.g. Imams for Muslim client; Rabbi for Jewish client); spiritual leader (for Native Spirituality or Buddhist client; a minister or priest for a Christian client … as needed.
  • Compassionate and responsive crisis intervention e.g. sudden death of a client, staff or family member of a staff

Church Services and Celebrations:

Weekday: Roman Catholic Mass (Tuesdays only) at 9.30 am: in the chapel, level 2 – rotating neighbourhood attendance

Weekend: Roman Catholic Sunday Mass at 10.00 am in level 2 auditorium – dependent upon the availability of the Priest

Weekend: Interdenominational Sunday Church service at 2.00 pm in level 2 auditorium – (volunteer-run program), not reopened yet

Weekday: Anglican Communion service (3rd Wednesday of the month) at 10.30 am in the chapel, level 2

Seasonal celebrations are held throughout the year – not resumed yet

Memorial services for deceased clients are held twice a year – in the spring and the fall – not resumed yet

SJHCG has a small beautiful chapel adjacent to the main lobby (the Ireland Lobby) on level 2; it is open for everyone to use for solitude, prayer or reflection.

Please note: Food or drinks are not allowed in the chapel.

Contact: Questions or concerns regarding Spiritual & Religious Care services, can be directed to the chaplain, Simon Malonda at 519-824-6000; ext. 4370 or email: