The Broader Public Sector Accountability Act 2010 (BPSAA), that was passed on December 8, 2010, requires higher accountability standards for designated broader public sector organizations and publicly funded organizations.

It applies to organizations that receive funding from the Government of Ontario, such as hospitals, Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), school boards, colleges, and universities. The Act prohibits BPS organizations from hiring lobbyists using public funds and includes requirements specific to hospitals and LHINs related to expenses and reporting.

The legislation is based on four key principles – Accountability, Transparency, Value for Money, and Fairness. Specifically, the BPSAA:

  • Bans the practice of hiring lobbyists using public funds
  • Establishes new procurement and expense rules
  • Requires public reporting of consultant expenses and certain expenses of board members and senior managers
  • Requires attestation by hospital Boards of Directors on compliance with the legislation
  • Brings hospitals under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FIPPA)

BPS Directives

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph’s commitments to accountability, as they relate to the BPS Directives, are outlined below.

Procurement Directive

The purpose of the Public Sector Procurement Directive is to:

  • Ensure that publicly funded goods and services, including construction, consulting services, and information technology are acquired through a process that is open, fair, and transparent
  • Outline responsibilities of BPS organizations throughout each stage of the procurement process
  • Ensure that procurement processes are managed consistently throughout the sector

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph (SJHCG) is committed to the principles of the directive – accountability, transparency, value for money, quality service delivery, and process standardization. We have adopted the Supply Chain Code of Ethics comprised of the three principles – personal integrity and professionalism, accountability and transparency, and compliance and continuous improvement.

View SJHCG’s Competitive Procurement Process (PDF, 370 KB)

Expense Directive

The Broader Public Sector (BPS) Expense Directive establishes rules for all expenses reimbursed by public funds.

SJHCG is committed to prudent and responsible use of our resources. We believe that it is a reasonable way to promote public confidence in our management of taxpayer money, and it is consistent with the policies that already apply to senior leaders in government and other broader public sector organizations. Hospitals, like many other complex businesses, may have executives who incur business-related expenses from time to time that are permissible and should be reimbursed.

Our Travel & Expense Policy conforms to the BPS Expense Directive and ensures that appropriate controls, approval, and documentation are maintained for all travel expenses. Prior to choosing the option to travel for business purposes, other options such as teleconferencing and video conferencing are explored. Employees and volunteers are reimbursed for expenses incurred while carrying out SJHCG business and are expected to conduct all authorized business in the most efficient and economical manner available.

View SJHCG’s Travel and Expense Policy (PDF, 222 KB)

Disclosure of Expense Claims

BPSAA requires SJHCG to disclose the expense claims of Board members and senior leadership. Please click the dates below for a listing of expenses by year for each of our senior leaders.

Perquisites Directive

The Broader Public Sector (BPS) Perquisites Directive establishes rules for perquisites provided by public funds to employees and board members of hospitals. SJHCG is committed to the prudent and responsible use of our resources and public funds. Our Perquisites Policy conforms to the BPS Directive and allows perquisites only in limited and exceptional circumstances, were demonstrated to be a business-related requirement for the effective performance of an individual’s job. It does not allow as perquisites social or recreational club memberships, tickets to cultural or sporting events, clothing allowances not related to specific job requirements, access to private health services, or personal professional advisory services.

View SJHCG’s Perquisites Policy (PDF, 136 KB)

Compliance Attestations

The Broader Public Sector (BPS) Accountability Act requires hospitals to provide attestations of their compliance with the legislation and also to report on their use of consultants. Please find a listing below of our reports by year:

Year ended March 31, 2024:

Year ended March 31, 2023:


To learn more about Broader Public Sector Accountability as it applies to SJHCG, please contact our Vice President, Finance and Information Services, at 519-824-6000 ext. 4105.