COVID-19 Update – March 16, 2020
At this time, there are no known cases of COVID-19 among clients or staff at St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph. We are taking proactive steps to protect the safety of staff, residents and patients as a precautionary measure. We are working closely with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health and adjusting our response as we receive direction from public health authorities.
This is an evolving situation so please continue to monitor this web page regularly for updates and information. SJHCG will communicate changes affecting protocols or through this webpage and social media channels.
Visitor Restrictions
In accordance with the directive from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, SJHCG restricted access to visitors on March 14, 2020, including our volunteers.
We encourage family and loved ones to keep in touch with loved ones by phone or other technologies, as available. SJHCG has a process in place to facilitate this connecting via phone or other technology.
If you have any questions or concerns about this restricted access to visitors, please call (519) 824-6000 ext. 4418.
Closure of Some Outpatient and Ambulatory Programs
With the rapidly changing situation related to COVID-19, SJHCG has made the difficult decision to restrict access further to our programs and services. Starting Monday, March 16, 2020 and until further notice, SJHCG will be closing the following outpatient and ambulatory programs:
- All adult day programs, including Out ‘n About Day Program, Fergus Day Out Program, Acquired Brain Injury Program, Alzheimer’s Day Program/ Dinner Club, Young Onset Dementia Association, and the Waterloo Wellington Regional Aphasia Program (WWRAP)
- All outpatient therapy programs, including: outpatient physiotherapy and occupational therapy programs, and the adult and children’s speech-language programs
We realize that the decision to close some of our community support services and outpatient programs is very disruptive to the patients, participants and their families who depend on these programs. Our teams have identified the participants and patients with the highest needs and plans are in place to support these clients throughout the closure of SJHCG’s on-site programs.
If you have any questions or concerns about program closures, please call (519) 824-6000 ext. 4418.
Precautionary Measures for Staff
SJHCG is taking precautionary measures for anyone entering our facility. All employees and physicians entering into SJHCG’s facilities will go through enhanced screening protocols at each entry. The screening protocols include answering a series of questions about health status, and travel and contact history. If anyone fails the screening, they are not allowed to enter SJHCG.
SJHCG leadership is also encouraging social distancing to reduce close contact as a key measure to lower the risk of COVID-19. Social distancing measures include avoiding shaking hands and recommending that staff keep about two metres (or six feet) of space between them and others at all times, and avoiding crowded public spaces. We’re also limiting in-person meetings at our health centre and moving to teleconferences and video conferencing whenever possible.
Recommended Precautions
SJHCG recommends taking these additional precautions to prevent the spread of illness:
- Stay home if you are feeling unwell or have any of these symptoms: a new/worsening cough, shortness of breath, and/or fever.
- Follow good infection control practices: wash your hands, don’t touch your face, cough/sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, and dispose of the tissue immediately.
- Keep your distance and avoid coming into close contact or shaking hands with others
Updated March 20, 2020